Farben zu kombinieren / Combining colors

... ist immer wieder eine spannende Herausforderung.

... is always an exciting challenge.

Erst vor kurzem hatte ich den Challengeblog "The Color Hues" kennen gelernt 
und gleich bei meiner ersten Teilnahme hatte ich die Challenge und ein Gastdesign gewonnen.
Ich war überrascht, aber auch sehr erfreut.

I only recently got to know the challenge blog “The Color Hues” 
and the first time I took part, I won the challenge and a guest design.
I was surprised, but also very pleased.

Die Farbkombination für die Challenge #87 ist Koralle und Blaugrün.

The color combination for Challenge #87 is coral and teal.

Ich habe mich für das Slimline-Format entschieden und einen Stempel von AALL&Create.
Ich colorierte alles mit Alkoholstiften. Die Kreise fügte ich frei Hand hinzu und colorierte sie ebenfalls mit Alkoholstiften. Zum Schluss setzte ich mit einem weißen Gelstift noch kleine Akzente.

I chose the slimline format and a stamp from AALL&Create.
I colored everything with alcohol pens. I added the circles freehand and also colored them 
with alcohol pens. Finally, I added small accents with a white gel pen.


Kombinierte Grüße aus dem Wald

22 Kommentare:

Julie B hat gesagt…

The coral and teal colours look fab on those butterflies. So pleased you found us and had the chance to GD with us. :)

I Card Everyone hat gesagt…

Congratulations on your win, and GD gig! Of course I adore your butterflies!

coldwaters2 hat gesagt…

Well done on your win and a GDT spot your DT card is so beautiful the colours and the images work perfectly
lolo x

crafty-stamper hat gesagt…

Congrats on your win and GDT spot.Love your beautiful card and stamps,great colour combo too.
Carol x

Mariann Jakobsen hat gesagt…

First of all... CONGRATS!!!
Your card is stunning! Beautiful colors and butterflies! WOW!!!

Isabel para ALROMASAR hat gesagt…

What a funny and cute image!

cm hat gesagt…

OHMYSTARS! Your card is gorgeous! The butterflies are lovely; the background, eye-catching. I'm in awe of your colouring and eye-for-design. Thrilled to have you as our Colour Hues guest designer; you've really made coral and teal the stars of the stage.

Linda W. (ScrappinBari) hat gesagt…

Gorgeous coral and teal butterflies, Gundi, & I love the doodling too! Congrats on your win & Guest Designer spot!!

Marcia Hill hat gesagt…

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL card and you have totally made the coral & teal challenge colors SHINE on your card! Those butterflies and all the other little additions to this card are so lovely! Thanks so much for guest designing with us...we're thrilled to have you join us!! Marcia (DT)

Stef Perry hat gesagt…

What an amazing card! I love the way you combined the CH colors on the beautiful butterflies. All the background detail, including the circles that you added, make such an eye-catching piece. Just gorgeous! It's wonderful to have you join us as Guest Designer!

wienerhoneymooners hat gesagt…

Gorgeous -gorgeous- ALL the design teams are s inspiring - I played along too -Thanks for sharing your creativity!!
-Kimberly W

Nancy hat gesagt…

First off, so happy to have you guesting with us at Color Hues. As for your gorgeous card, I am so impressed, and now that I read that some of your design was drawn by hand I am extremely impressed. You took our colors and made such an eye-catching card. Those butterflies are gorgeous! Thanks for being with us!

Vicky Hayes hat gesagt…

Color Hues is a fab challenge although I always seem to miss the deadlines!! Congratulations on your win Gundi and what a stunning card you've made for your guest appearance! Your butterflies almost look as if they are dancing! Vicky x

Karen hat gesagt…

We're just delighted to have you as our Guest Designer this round. Those butterflies are stunning in coral and teal, and I love the background you created! A fabulous card, and I hope we'll see you in the gallery often!

Flo hat gesagt…

Mit dieeser Karte hast Du die Messlatte aber auch sehr hoch gelegt. Sie ist wunderschön geworden.
Gratulation zum Gewinn.

KarinNettchen hat gesagt…

Hallo Gundi,
wow, totaler Hingucker.
Gratulier zum Gewinn.
Schöne Pfingsten wünsche ich dir.

Cat Craig hat gesagt…

Congratulations on your win and guest designing post. Beautiful use of the colors.

erna-riccarda hat gesagt…

Liebe Gundi,
Gratulation zum Sieg, der wirklich verdient war. Das sind zwei herausfordernde Farben, doch du hast die Challenge brillant geschafft. Hier passt wieder alles ...
Liebe Grüße, Erna

Cindy Beach hat gesagt…

Your card is amazing! I love the colors used with butterflies and the many details you added. Your card is gorgeous! We are so glad to have you as GD at Color Hues!

Tracey McNeely hat gesagt…

Your card is fabulous and the butterflies are beautiful in coral and teal. Thank you so much for being our guest designer at the Color Hues!

Cornelia (fun stamping) hat gesagt…

Die ist ja sowas vone schoen!

Rosmarie hat gesagt…

Grossartig und irre schön!!